Defcon-1 Firearms offers IL Security Guard Training that is second to none
These course are required by the State of Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation for individuals working as Security Officers, Private Detectives, Alarm Contractors, and Proprietary Security Officers. These courses provide the certified training needed to work in both unarmed and armed capacities, as well as certification to maintain that certification.
Like all of our courses at Defcon-1 Chicago, they are taught by the best former law enforcement instructors in the area. Our instructors have extensive training and experience themselves that can be shared with the student. They know what works and what does not. This is priceless insight all our students receive at Defcon-1 Firearms Training.
This is how these kind of courses are developed and taught at the FBI Academy and the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC). The course of instruction is developed by best and the brightest and taught only by seasoned field agents. The stakes are to high to settle for less.
I) 20 Basic Security Officer Course:
This course is designed to provide the basic training for unarmed security officers require by Illinois law. Upon completion of this course, the individual will be able to function as a basic security officer, and will have the necessary State of Illinois mandated training. In addition, this course will instruct the individual how to obtain a “Permanent Employee Registration Card”, required by the State of Illinois in order to work permanently as a security officer. Successful completion of this course requires the passing of a formal written examination.
Frequently Asked Questions About the Twenty-Hour Basic Course:
Q: Is this the course you take to get your PERC Card?
A: Yes. The 20 Hour Basic Course is a State of Illinois required course for individuals working in the field of contract security. You must successfully pass this course in order to obtain a PERC (Permanent Employee Registration Card).
Q: Can I carry a gun after taking this class?
A: No. Completion of the 20 Hour Basic Course does not qualify you nor authorize you to carry a firearm. You must, however, first take and complete this course, and complete an additional 20 Hour Armed Course in order to work as an armed security officer. Ultimately, the Security Agency that hires you will determine if you will work for them in an armed capacity or not.
Q: Can I start working after I complete the course?
A: Once you successfully complete the course, obtain your live fingerprint scan, and send in your completed application and fee to the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, you may begin working for a licensed Security Agency.
Q: How long does it take to get your PERC Card?
A: It can take 6 to 8 weeks to receive your Permanent Employee Registration Card, as IDPR is several weeks behind in processing paperwork. However, you can work in security while you wait for your PERC Card, as long as you have completed the 20 Hour Basic Course, have completed the Liver Fingerprint Scan and have your receipt, and have sent your completed “PERC Application” (which we will provide to you, and help you complete) and a fee of $ 55.00 to the State of Illinois.
Q: What do I need to bring with me to class?
A: Bring the balance due of the tuition (or full tuition if registering in person), a State ID Card or Driver’s License, and an open mind. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to bend, turn and move around easily.
Q: What if I take the final exam and fail?
A.: You will have the opportunity to retake the final exam at a later date. A processing fee of $ 25.00 will be accessed for each attempt.
II) 20 Hour Firearms Course
This course is required for all contract Security Officers, Private Detective Employees, Registered Proprietary Security Force Officers and contract Alarm Runners who wish to be qualified in the State of Illinois to work in an armed capacity. Completion of this course only qualifies an individual to work for their agency in an armed capacity, should their employer authorize it. Completion of this course does not authorize an individual to carry a firearm on their person. Successful completion of this course requires passing both a written examination and a practical examination involving a “live-fire” examination at a firing range. Tuition covers cost of instruction, firearm, ammunition and targets.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Twenty-Hour Firearms Course:
Q: Is this the course you take to get your Firearms Control Card?
A: Yes. The 20 Hour Firearms Course is a State of Illinois required course for individuals working in the field of contract security in an armed capacity. You must successfully pass this course in order to obtain a FCC (Firearm Control Card), also called a Tan Card.
Q: Can I carry a gun after taking this class?
A: No. Completion of the 20 Hour Armed Course does not automatically authorize you to carry a firearm. You must, however, first take and complete this course, and upon completion of this course, the firearms instructor will report your passing written and range score to the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, who will issue a Certificate of Completion of Firearms Training. Security officers do not decide for themselves with they will work in an armed capacity or not. Ultimately, the Security Agency that hires you will determine if you will work for them in an armed capacity or not.
Q: What do I need to bring with me to class?
A: Bring the balance due of the tuition (or full tuition if registering in person), a State ID Card or Driver’s License, and an open mind. Wear comfortable clothing that allows you to bend, turn and move around easily.
Q: Where do we go to shoot?
A: The Range portion of the course is conducted on Fridays. The Firearm’s Instructor will provide you with the location of the range during the course of instruction, along with a map. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange transport to and from the range. Students may not ride with the instructor. Due to City of Chicago ordinances, there are no public commercial gun ranges in the city. All ranges are in the suburbs.
Q: What if I don’t own a firearm? Do I have to purchase one for the class?
A: Let the instructor know that you do not own a firearm, and we will arrange for you to have one for training purposes at the range for a modest fee.
Q: What if I don’t pass the written or range exam?
A: You can retake the written test or the range test at a later date. You will have the opportunity to retake the final exam at a later date. A processing fee of $ 25.00 will be accessed for each attempt (for the written exam or the range exam). Understand that taking the range assessment a second time, means that you will have to pay the additional cost of range fees, ammo and firearm usage.
Q: What should I qualify with?
A: The State of Illinois provides four distinct classifications, which are; Revolver, Semi-Automatic, Shotgun and Rifle. If you already work for a Security Agency, you should ask your supervisor or manager which classifications the agency would allow you to carry. Many agencies only allow officers to carry revolvers. In order to be certified in a specific classification, you must demonstrate safety and proficiency at the range in each classification you are applying for. Additional fees will apply.
For Security Officers, Private Detectives and CCW- holders or others needing state qualification services, we provide bi-annual or quarterly qualifications on an on-going basis.
III) Security Guard Firearms
Re-qualification Course- 4 Hours
This program is specifically for security officers, alarm runners and private detective employees who are authorized by their employers to work in an armed capacity, and require re-qualification by “live-fire” examination at the range.
The State of Illinois requirements for re-qualification are not sufficient to monitor shooting proficiency. It certainly is prudent to do more than the State of Illinois currently requires as the liability from a bad shoot could easily lead to financial ruin. We can schedule additional qualifications sessions for you and your staff.
IV) Intermediate Force Training (Defensive Tactics)
- Collapsible Baton
- OC
- Taser
- Handcuffing
- Weapons Retention
- Kubaton
- Defensive Flashlight
- Basic Self-defense